Bitllet on-line main

Buy your ticket before you travel

The online ticket is 40% cheaper than a single ticket bought on board the bus.


To make your purchase, simply choose the date, origin and destination of your trip.
You will get a QR code that you will have to validate to access the bus, train or metro. You can buy more than one ticket. In this case, you will receive a different QR code for each person.


Bitllet on-line títol

Bitllet on-line

Entry and exit validation

Entry and exit validation

You must validate the QR code when boarding the bus.  On the train and metro network, on the other hand, the QR code is used both for entering and leaving the stations.

See here how to validate the online ticket when getting on the bus.

Bitllet on-line transbords



You can make 2 transfers by travelling on 3 different lines (bus, train or metro). With the purchase of the ticket, you will get one QR code for each transfer you need to make on the same journey. So, you must validate the corresponding QR on each line.