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null Take part in TIB competitions, you'll win! Combine and move with TIB

Take part in TIB competitions, you'll win! Combine and move with TIB

Combine and move with TIB

Bus, train, metro, bicycle.... How do you move? Tell us about it with pictures.
You can win an e-book!
•    Take two photographs of two means of transport, at least one of which must belong to the TIB network (train, metro, intercity bus or Mou-te Bé bicycle).
•    Post a story on Instagram with the two photos.
•    Tag @tibmallorca and @trensfm
•    DM a screenshot to @tibmallorca
Check the competition rules here




Drawing competition Small artists, big changes: Drawing a green future


We invite the students of the schools of Majorca to draw the world travelling by public transport. The winning drawings will decorate a TIB bus.
The winning school will also have a prize!

Check the competition rules here




TIBmetratges Competition

We present the 2nd edition of the TIBmetratges competition, an amateur short film festival of the TIB. Take inspiration from public transport and create a story.
Competition information at





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